The Family Plumber - Surprise, Arizona
At The Family Plumber, we are proud to offer high-quality plumbing services to customers throughout Surprise, AZ. We are a proudly family-owned business. We understand the needs of our community and we work hard to meet your family’s needs. We offer a wide range of services that can handle any plumbing issue that you may encounter. We will get the job done right from the very start, putting your mind at ease and saving you money.

Monday Apr 01, 2024
What Are The Differences Between Tank and Tankless Water Heaters
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Is a Tankless water heater better than a traditional tank water heater? Well, it depends. In many instances a tankless water heater may be the way to go.
Check out this episode to learn more about tankless and traditional tank water heaters.
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171

Friday Mar 01, 2024
What Is That Rusty Water In My Water Heater Drain Pan?
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
"OK now we have a tank leak if it's not that means it's coming from somewhere else .. ." - Bobby Crowder, Plumbing Expert
Have you seen water in your drain pan? The pan that is under your water heater, the drain pan, is there to catch water that may have escaped your water heater. Plumbing expert, Bobby Crowder, The Family Plumber is on the show to help us out today!
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Here are the check a pro radio show we get all kinds of questions and we got a plumbing question today so I asked my good friend Bobby Crowder the family plumber to join me here on the program hey Bobby how you doing buddy hey check a pro Joe how are you how are you I'm doing I'm doing great hey a question came in and I think I know the answer to this even though there may be multiple answers but the question was this from one of our listeners why is there rusty water in that pan that metal pan underneath my water heater what could that be hmm well not just rust it could be anything actually it could be you know water itself it could be dirty water making it look like rust it depends on where the locations at you know like said addicts or you know Texas has yeah they're installed in the attics in Arizona where they're in the garage and so they tend to get really dirty so um usually if there's any kind of liquid or any kind of water or anything that's in that pan there's something going on and usually most of the time it is a leaky water heater but you get a check it first you come out when you come out there check to see if you know if it's a gas water here put that little that front plate there and stick your fingers inside the inside where the gas control valve assemblies at and see if there's any water in there if there is OK now we have a tank leak if it's not that means it's coming from somewhere else so you want to jump up above see what's going on if there's any of the flex lines leaking a ball valve any of the connections or I've even seen somebody have a water line that's ramped to a fridge around the back and it wasn't visible until that little water line was just thinking down inside there it wasn't what it was not a water heater issue so now they're using it as a drain pan exactly Yep so you know be very cautious dream pans are great they've been out here in Arizona we didn't do them very often until recently probably about uh I want to say six or eight years ago they've kind of put them in you know wanting them put in per code some cities are different than others so Arizona's a little bit different than maybe some other states but now we don't do we don't install a water heater without a pan whatsoever now it has sure have a pan and honestly if it's in the garage or somewhere that's more outside ish if you will it's not as big of a deal but if it is inside a utility room maybe in the laundry room type thing which it could be well then yes you're definitely going to want to do that also the pressure relief valve isn't it possible that that could leak it does usually like technically you're supposed to exercise that that TMP valve every six months he does that no one really ever does that you know flip it on off and when you do if it hasn't been done for a while and you flip it on and you try to flip it off now you're now you're probably going to causally or it's going to drip out the main line you know the drain line of it you know itself or it's just going to drop out of that little Chrome handle and then that could cause an issue down below but you know something like that would be an easy fix you know replacement with that TP valve so you know something like that I'd be very I love doing stuff like this is a very I love investigating stuff you know going on the problem yeah oh I love it you know instead of just going OK I know what it is boom I know I like to go in there and hey what's going on here I just I love that kind of work I really who doesn't like a mystery right we all do all right the best thing to do is to get ahold of my friend Bobby Crowder the family plumber all is all of his information is in the description of this podcast hey bobby thanks for taking time out of your day buddy really appreciate it you bet thanks Joe.

Monday May 08, 2023
What Is Causing Low Water Pressure In My Home?
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Episode 25
"Just a few of the common things that might cause low water pressure..."
- Bobby Crowder, Plumbing Expert
Do have just a trickle coming out of your faucets? This may have just started happening to you. Plumbing expert, Bobby Crowder, The Family Plumber joins Jim Klauck - aka Check A Pro Joe on the show today to talk about what may be causing your low water pressure in your home.
The question today - "What Is Causing Low Water Pressure In My Home?"
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171

Monday May 01, 2023
What Is The Difference In Plumbing Types?
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
"PEX is a little bit higher,you know, a little bit more used than copper compared to the cast iron and the galvanized."
- Bobby Crowder, Plumbing Expert
So, what type of pipes do you have in your home? Plumbing expert, Bobby Crowder, The Family Plumber joins Jim Klauck - aka Check A Pro Joe on the show today to discuss the different types of plumbing pipes in your home.
The question today - "What Is The Difference In Plumbing Types?"
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171

Monday Apr 10, 2023
What Size Water Softener Do I Need For My Home?
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
"So you need to know what your hardness is coming into your house and how many people live in there?"
- Bobby Crowder, Plumbing Expert
Depending on the size of your family you may need a larger or smaller water softener. Also, the grains of hardness per gallon need to be checked as well.
Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) has asked plumbing expert, Bobby Crowder from The Family Plumber, to join him on this segment of the show.
The question today - "What Size What Softener Do I Need For My Home?" How to size a water heater for your home?
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171
Podcast Episode Transcript:
What size water softener?That's a question that we got here at the Check A Pro Radio show.What size do I need?You know,I've got Bobby Crowder on the program with me.You've heard him here before?You've seen him here before on the show?And I'm going to pose this question to him.And honestly,I didn't think that there were that many size options.Hey,Bobby,how are you?Hey,Joe,how are you doing?Great.All right.So someone emailed the program and they want to know what's the right size water softener for my home?How do you figure that out?Uh It's,it's basic,it's,it's simple,it's simple for us or whatnot.So,like,uh you've got to know the hardness and you know,your grains per gallon and how many people are living there and what kind of water usage they're gonna be doing?So let's say,let's say their gallons,their grains per gallon is 10.You know,the hardness is 10 at their home.And if you got one or two people,you can do a 24.I don't recommend it.But,you know,technically it should be about a 32.Now,if you have 5 to 6 people,you're gonna go 40 grain.Now,remember these will go up once your grains per gallon are higher.So let's let's do it.Uh let's say 20 20 grains per gallon.So now the 3 to 4 people from 32 went to 40 and the 5 to 6 people went from 40 to 48.Now,if you go to the 40 you know,40 grains per gallon,now you're 1 to 2 people is 48,000 grains,Your 3-4 people,about 64,000 grains.So and then up and then and up.So you need to know what your hardness is coming into your house and how many people live in there?That's a good rule of thumb.That'll kind of get you where you,you,you need to be.So definitely get a hardness test,see what you want,you know what your hardness is.You can buy those at any,any store.But you know,for hardness and then then you how many people live in your home and then you kind of have an idea of what,what I need or you can visit my website too.We are softeners will tell you which ones you actually need,you know,per family based.Sure,it's purely mathematical.It's based on your hardness and how much volume you're gonna need,which is usually based on how many people Bobby we're assuming that those people are bathing.So,right,when you say people,we're talking about clean people who are bathing,who are using the toilets,who are using the sinks and so forth.All of Bobby's information is located in the description of this podcast and he said you can find out more about this on his website and that is listed in the description of this podcast.Thank you,Bobby Crowder.Our little expert here on plumbing.Thank you.It's been a pleasure.Thanks Joe.

Monday Mar 27, 2023
How Can I Prevent A Clogged Toilet?
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
"The only time you would have anything like that would be like I said, like tree roots or anything like that growing into the pipe."
- Bobby Crowder, Plumbing Expert
Bobby Crowder from The Family Plumber joins Jim Klauck (Check A Pro Joe) today on the show!
Okay, we all have this question! How to avoid a clogged toilet?
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171
Podcast Episode Transcript:
We get a lot of questions here at the Check A Pro Radio show and a lot are about plumbing and this one's kind of an obvious one,but it's an important one and it's very simple how to avoid a clogged toilet and it's really uncomfortable.And so I'm gonna get a little personal here when it comes to clogged toilets.Generally,when the toilet is clogged,it's not clogged with something friendly.Ok.This is stuff that we don't want in our home.That's why we flush it.We want it out of the home.I've asked my good friend Bobby Crowder,the family plumber.He's in Arizona and he's joining me here on the program today to tell us how we can avoid a clogged toilet because it's very uncomfortable.Bobby.How you doing today?Good.How are you,Joe?I am fantastic.This is a common question.It'd be nice because if we didn't have clogged toilets,we wouldn't have to have plumbers come out so much to do something that isn't high tech.You guys are very good at un clogging them,but how do we avoid it?Uh That's uh,well,one of our most common service calls is,you know,a clogged toilet.So there is a list,I mean,it's,let's see,you know,it could be stuff that people throw down the toilet or else could be tree roots too.So we don't know until we get out there.But to avoid that,you know,besides the tree roots is there's,there's a huge list.So,first of all,disposable diapers.No baby wipes.No,uh,feminine hygiene products.No,that's very common.Uh,I get cigarette butts,uh,Q tips,cotton balls,cotton pads,medications,paper towels,tissues,cat litter.I've seen um,packing material,uh,dental floss,I mean,the list goes on and on and on.So the only thing that should be going down the toilet is waste liquid and paper,that's it.And when I say paper,I mean,like toilet paper,not the other,any other sorts of paper products just,you know,keep,stay away from those.But in order for us,you know,to avoid that for us coming out,please just don't do,don't do any of that and you're totally stay clean.So,Bobby,the list is shorter of what you can and should put in the toilet than what you shouldn't.So basically,er,we'll talk in toilet terms.Number one and number two,we know what that means.Everybody.Right.Pee and poop and then,and then an approved wiping appliance,which is going to be toilet paper.I say approved it,it,it should be something comfortable for you,but it should be biodegradable the best it can a lot.It's not,but it should be,I mean,the one ply would be ideal for the toilet,not ideal for us,but my point is,is nothing more than human waste.And we've spoken about using other products before,like a bad day to clean off.That would be ideal if you could actually hose off and not put any product in.Right.Yeah,exactly.Yeah,that you,you'll avoid any kind of clogs under the toilet.The only time you would have anything like that would be like I said,like tree roots or anything like that growing into the pipe.Yeah.It,it,it's just so important to prevent things.It's kind of like us as humans.Ok?When you go to the doctor,the cardiologist,they're gonna say here's what you should put in your mouth and here's what you shouldn't and everything from your esophagus all the way down to your colon gets affected by what you put in.Not to mention,you know,your intestines,your stomach,your pancreas can get on the list.I mean,I'm not a doctor.I sound like one but I'm not,but I'm telling you I had pancreatitis once and I listened up when the doctor said this is what you should and should not do.So,it's very,very important to be careful what you're putting in your plumbing system and what you're putting in your body.So think about this,if you really want to have the optimal body,you put in fruits and vegetables and lean meats and a lot of good liquids and minerals and other nutrients.Think about your toilet too.It doesn't like junk.Correct.That simple Bobby Crowder.Thank you so much for joining me today and helping us out with that question of what you should be putting in your toilet and what you should not be.Bobby Crowder's information.The family plumber is all listed in the description of this podcast.Hey,Bobby,we'll see you next time.Thank you.

Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Are SharkBite Plumbing Fittings A Good Solution To My Plumbing Project?
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
"SharkBites tend to fail over time and a lot of homeowners do is they make the mistake of putting them inside walls behind their walls for plumbing or they're adding a line or whatever not knowing that overtime those can fail.. ." - Bobby Crowder, Plumbing Expert
Bobby Crowder from The Family Plumber joins Jim Klauck (Check A Pro Joe) today on the show!
Have you heard of a SharkBite pluming connector? Plumbing expert, Bobby Crowder, The Family Plumber is on the show today to explain how they work.
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Hey, Bobby Crowder is joining me here on the check a pro radio show Bobby is one of our go to experts on the check a pro radio show he is a plumbing expert in surprise AZ the family plumber hey Bobby how you doing hey Joe how are you I'm doing fantastic hey I want you to help me out with something here I was reading this online article and it was talking about a shark bite fitting for plumbing what's a shark bite plumbing fitting shark bite fittings are a push to connect fitting it's usually for like no homeowners could do it themselves you know I'm not very big on them there's a new there's a new one out it's called quick fitting that's what it's kind of like a 75 year warranty the shark bites they tend to fail over time and a lot of what homeowners do is they make the mistake of like putting them inside walls you know like behind their walls for plumbing or they're adding a line or whatever and they just OK I'll just you know start back this together not knowing that overtime those can fail all it is just a fitting that has like little teeth in it with an O-ring that the pipe goes inside so you know overtime those can fail and if they fail inside your wall you don't know until it's too late I you know I prefer if you're doing something like that it's hard to get them right now but you know like the quick fittings you know let a plumber come out there and pro press it solder it no sweat it this way it's nice and solid you know the push fittings yeah it's one of those you know DIY kind of things you know for homers quick easy fix stuff like that but if you're going to do something like that please put an access panel there so you know if something happens you're it's easy access to get to yeah you know whether it's plumbing or electrical there are codes and just like electrical if you have a junction box it cannot be hidden behind sheetrock it needs to be exposed so the electrician can get back in same with plumbing it sounds like an interesting type of product For more information you can get a hold of my friend Bobby Crowder the family plumber and have him come out and take a look at your plumbing project all of the all of his information is located in the description of this podcast hey Bobby thank you so much for joining me today hey Joe thanks for having me on!

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Why Do My Plumbing Drains Get Clogged?
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
"Once they see go down the drain it's out of sight and out of mind, but they don't understand what it's doing inside the pipes ."
- Bobby Crowder
So, why do your pipes get clogged? Plumbing expert, Bobby Crowder is here to answer this common plumbing question on the Check A Pro Radio Show!
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Once they see go down the drain it's outside out of mine but they don't understand what it's doing inside the pipes. This is the check a pro radio show check a pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host a man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe a common problem ever since we've had indoor plumbing is our drains get clogged it could be hair it could be food it could be waste from the toilet it could be a lot of different things I've asked my friend Bobby Crowder the family plumber to join me here on the program today to answer the question why do my drains get clogged now Bobby I know this is kind of a wide question it's not very narrow but I'm sure that you have some insight that you can share with us some common things like air fat and grease and some common things right correct there's one thing a lot of people don't do it what it is they tell you to maintain your drains and who does that nobody does that no nobody calls you Bobby until they have a problem exactly you know even myself I mean there's times I'll maintain like drains here and there but the typical homeowner that's you know not a plumber they're never no one ever does it's just how it is So what I recommend is you know maintain those drains you know just watch what you're putting down the drains but there's you know there's a product out there that's got like the good bacteria that you could put down your drain that will you know every three to six months they'll maintain their sewer system so just be very careful you know it's a good bacteria it's like a bio you know like you know bioclean kind of stuff so it's a maintaining it maintains the sewer lines in your drain so it'll it'll weigh the grease and but you know anything that can build up in your drains overtime but it's more of a homeowners you know kind of watch what you're doing what you know don't be putting grease in and any kind of thing down the drains that's not supposed to go there even though they figure hey it's going down the sewer line that's you know this dispose of this down the sink and it's done and once they once they see go down the drain it's outside out of mind but they don't understand what's what it's doing inside the pipes it's just your typical homeowner it's nothing that we can't fix for you but we can tell you how to maintain it and that's the way to maintain it would be just watch what you're doing get a you know a bio treatment that actually pour down the drains you know safe one not the acids or anything like that there is some safe ones out there they pour down there and maintain the healthy state of your sewer lines of your drains that keeps them clean I'll make a recommendation the grease is the fats pretty much any food item should not be going down the drain I'm personally not a fan of a garbage disposal so I don't have one because I really don't believe and I've been told by plumbers Bobby for decades the only thing that should be going into a waste line is water clean or dirty or human waste especially into a septic system it's designed to breakdown human waste not necessarily roast beef and a pork chop right I mean it's it's not well you laugh you have pulled out of garbage disposals pork chop bone I know you have and they will get stuck in there right and so people think it's just you know just put it in there and it'll go away it can come back to haunt you exactly yeah I've seen bones I've seen lots of stuff and people think hey I've got a 1 horsepower disposal this thing should grind it up no not necessarily just be careful like you said once those drains back up then you have a problem let's maintain those drains let's keep them flowing so you don't ever had to call one of us out to fix an issue yeah hey Bobby that's great advice thank you so much Bobby Crowder the family plumber and surprise AZ all of his contact information is in the description of this podcast feel free to reach out to him he loves to talk to you on the phone and if he needs to he'll also come out and visit you to help you with your plumbing problem bobby once again thank you so much for joining me today thanks joe check a pro as you were a local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the check a Pro radio show.

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Is It Safe To Use Liquid Drain Cleaners In My Plumbing?
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
"When you start doing those liquid plumbers you know solutions and stuff like that a lot of times they won't get any like the hard blockage ."
- Bobby Crowder
To use or not to use liquid drain cleaners in your home's plumbing. Plumbing expert, Bobby Crowder - "The Family Plumber" answers this question on the Check A Pro Radio Show with host Jim Klauck, AKA Check A Pro Joe!
Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out more...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171
Podcast Episode Transcript:
When you start doing those liquid plumbers you know solutions and stuff like that a lot of times they won't get any like the hard blockage. This is the check a pro radio show check a pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host a man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe every once in a while our drains get clogged could be our kitchen sink it could be our bathroom sink heck it could even be our toilets and it's inconvenient it can also be dangerous because it can back up so I've asked my friend Bobby Crowder from the family plumber to join to tell me whether or not I should be putting that liquid drain cleaner into my sinks and into my toilets hey Bobby welcome to the program hey Joe thanks for having me on yeah so for years and decades I guess we've seen on TV you know buy these products there's a number of them out there that have liquid in them and are kind of Jelly and you pour them into a sink that's clogged or a toilet and it works its way through supposedly and opens up the drain is this the way to go are these safe well some of them are but a lot of them are not so I don't recommend a lot of them just because overtime they can damage the piping so if anything I would get a licensed plumber out there to actually see what's going on when you start doing those liquid plumbers you know solutions and stuff like that a lot of the times they won't get any like the hard blockage you know it won't release any of the hard blockages it'll release the this the smaller lot you know the softer blockage is what we call it you know if it's draining slow yes it can clear it but there they are bad for the piping but there is some products out there that's really excellent for maintaining your drain and clearing the blockages so I guess it depends the best thing to do is to call you because you're a licensed plumber and explain over the telephone what's going on and you would probably either recommend yes you can use this product or I need to come out and I need to help you yes exactly so when they do call me I do you know I'll recommend some different products that can depending on what kind of blood cancers are they're dealing with the they'll explain it to me and then I'll kind of diagnose it over the phone a little bit but there is you know the best thing is for like a licensed plumber like myself to come out and see exactly what is happening what is causing that blockage it might be might be a hard blockage or might be a broken pipe they were putting a bunch of chemicals down there that's just going to make things worse so we need to come out there and see exactly what's going on call the family plumber hello and water is his name he is the gentleman who's on with me right now all of his contact information is in the description of this podcast and you can also go to Google and type in the family plumber surprise AZ you will get his website and also all of these podcasts that we produced together hey Bobby thank you so much for your help today appreciate it thanks Joe have a good day check a pro as your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the check a pro radio show.

Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Why Do I Run Out Of Hot Water?
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
"So if one element is bad it's just running off one element out of the two then yes you're not going to have much hot water." - Bobby Crowder
Running out of hot water? Why is causing this?
Is it an old water heater? Is your water heater too small? Bobby Crowder, the Family Plumber explains why you run out of hot water. Check out this episode of The Plumber Podcast to find out...
For more information about The Family Plumber in Surprise, Arizona log on to or check them out at
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You Can Call Anytime: (623) 738-6171
Podcast Episode Transcript:
So if one element is bad it's just running off one element out of the two then yes you're not going to have much hot water this is the check a pro radio show, Check A Pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe you know it's 6:00 o'clock in the morning and you get into your shower and the water's cold and you're like why does this happen I know the water heater works because we have hot water at times but why don't we have hot water now so I've asked Bobby Crowder the family plumber to join me here on the program today to answer this question hey Bobby why do we run out of hot water hey Joe thanks for having me on so that is a good question we actually get a lot of calls on that so that depends on the water heater the size of the home and how many people are actually using it so I get a lot of questions on you know it's they're not last it's not lasting long so on and so forth so that depends a gas water heater I'm not really worried about it's more of the electric water heaters that have the elements so if one element is bad it's just running out one element out of the two then yes you're not going to have much hot water but also they say it doesn't last long enough and they have like three people there or you got two people in one person's taking 45 minute shower so on and so forth I will recommend a lower gallon per minute shower head so that that helps out a lot so I even did that in my home lower the you know gallons per minutes on the shower heads someone say you can't get the soap out of your hair if it's too low but the 1.75 depending on the model or the make like kohler's really good they'll they put out enough water like 1.75 and it feels like a lot so compared to the older style which would putting out 2-3 gallons per minute of course now you're going to run out of hot water pretty quickly depending on how long to take it showers for but like I said it just depends on held the water heater is is in good shape how long are your showers so on and so forth so there is a lot of scenarios that's why you know call us out and we'll kind of diagnose that for you and and resolve your problem sure if there's four people taking showers at six 6:30 in the morning and you've got a 30 or 40 gallon water heater that's electric and it's not working well that could be a problem but if you have a 50 gallon gas and it's new you probably don't have a problem right exactly it's just has to be it has to be size for the for the home properly excellent this is great great information thank you so much Bobby, Bobby Crowder the family plumber and surprise AZ all of his contact information is in the description of this podcast Bobby once again thank you so much for coming on today thanks Joe have a good day check a pro was your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the check a pro radio show.

#1 in Plumbing Service
The Family Plumber LLC is a plumber near you in Surprise AZ who is reasonably priced & will show up on the same day or next day to solve your plumbing problems. With over 30 years of plumbing experience, residential water treatment is our specialty with products and installation services like water softeners, reverse osmosis systems, & gas / electric water heater repair & installation